
VenusBlood RAGNAROK International

Created by Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

Missed out on the Kickstarter period? Pick up exclusive Kickstarter goodies for VenusBlood RAGNAROK International in the pre-order store!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

SG #6 Achieved! + Official Doujin Artist Reveal / SG #6達成!+ アートブック公式漫画の画家紹介
3 months ago – Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 08:51:53 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

Amazing, literally within an hour of hitting SG 5, we managed to hit SG 6 all within the same day!

We're sure you've all been waiting eagerly for this one! Let us recap this Stretch Goal, then.

New Personal Episode for one of the protagonist's bodyguard side characters

That is correct, another new scene for one of the protagonist's bodyguard side characters! Which will be chosen by the Asgardian council.

New scenes, always great! And there are quite a few bodyguard characters, all whom deserve some loving! 

Official Doujin Artist Reveal 

As you all know, the Artbook will come with a small official doujin section at the end, and in the past we've brought in all sorts of artists during past projects.

Well...For Ragnarok...Just take a look at the 250% illustration above!

Yes, returning from drawing an official doujinshi for Frontier's artbook is Fujinon, who will be gracing us with another official doujinshi for Ragnarok's artbook!

His last outing gave us a lovely doujin with both Odin and Rigret, so who knows what he has in store for us this time?!

Do look forward to it, and hey, if you haven't already ordered the artbook in your pledge, this is your chance to upgrade it/consider buying it as an add-on!


















SG#5 Achieved ! / SG#5達成!
3 months ago – Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 12:07:33 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

A little less than a week to go in this campaign, but we've hit the 225% percent mark, netting us Stretch Goal #5!

A lovely illustration courtesy of Kumatora Tatsumi! Normal Nanna following the Corrupted Nanna from the last update, it's nice to see both sides represented!

Now then, to recap what comes with Stretch Goal 5, it's the same as SG 1 and 3.

2 Guests units will be chosen to come over to VBRI from other VB games that will be decided by us over at Ninetail.

We're going to have a huge guest roster at this rate if you count all the guests from the Asgardian Council members, too!

The next Stretch Goal up for grabs will give another bodyguard side character a chance in the spotlight, so let us head towards it in full force!










それでは、次のストレッチゴール、SG6はまた近衛キャラ達のうちから1人にシーンを与えるSGになりますね! これはこれは見逃せませんよ!


SG#4 Achieved ! / SG#4達成!
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 11:04:04 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Greetings and salutations, everyone!

What a great day, for we have achieved 200%, meaning Stretch Goal #4!

200% is a huge achievement, that's double the initial goal after all! Thank you all so very much, and boy, do we have a Stretch Goal befitting of such a grand achievement!

Let us recap SG #4, shall we? It is actually the same as the initial goal's free SG equivalent reward, but amazing all the same!

The Goddesses' Prayer 2

New Personal Episode for a Main Heroine (With a new outfit, standing portrait & commander unit)

Yep, we'll be getting a new scene for a main heroine, with the new outfit, standing portrait and commander unit. The full package!

And of course, the selection for the main heroine and what kind of scene she gets will be decided by the Asgardian Council!

We hope that you will look forward to seeing who the lucky girls are and what kind of scenes they will get! Perhaps the celebration images might give some...inspiration?

That being said, there are still a few more stretch goals to go. Full steam ahead!



今日はなんといい日なのでしょうか! お陰様でVBRIプロジェクトが200%に到達、つまりストレッチゴール#4を達成することができました!

200%、つまりイニシャルゴールの2倍の金額を集めることができたのです...!  ありがとうございます!





まさにスペシャルな内容が追加! メインヒロインに新規エピソード、衣装、立ち絵、戦闘用武将ユニット! いいですね、とてもグッド!




Stretch Goal Calculation Information + Legacy of the Overlord Character Selections / ストレッチゴール加算期間について + 覇王の遺産キャラクター発表
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 07, 2024 at 01:50:21 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Some important news and some interesting news...

What, thought all we were going to post this time were Stretch Goal posts? Nah, we have interesting info to share, and we hope you enjoy!

Stretch Goal Calculation Information

In the FAQ, we wrote that the Stretch Goal Calculations will end as soon as the Kickstarter period ends.

However, after much consideration, we have decided to extend the period to 1 month past when the Kickstarter ends. The Pre-order store will likely go up within the first week or 2 after the Kickstarter ends, so any early purchases made within this extra calculation period will still go towards any Stretch Goals we have not met.

With that said, let us move towards even more Stretch Goals, comrades!

Legacy of the Overlord Character Selections

Certainly an exciting topic, no?

Surely many of you have been wondering, who exactly have our Legacy backers decided on? Well, of the 7 current legacy backers, all 7 have already decided on what character they would like to give a scene to!

We would like to share these choices with you today! (Still subject to change, and we may get more than 7 before the end of the campaign)

Without further ado, let's get this show on the road!


The new poster girl for and newest addition to VBRI, Vidar, was chosen for a scene!

Well, actually, TWO! Yes, 2 backers chose Vidar for a new scene! They are both shaping up to be incredible scenes that add to the story of VBRI and we are excited to work on and eventually showcase the new scenes!

We are glad that she is seemingly well-loved by the community so much despite her brief appearance in the trial version to get 2 backers on her side to give her a scene. Perhaps she ought to be called the seductress of moonlight! 

Also helps that her voice actress, Aoba Ringo, is well-loved by our fans.


Our beloved, silly little snake princess from FRONTIER, all grown up and back in VB Ragnarok!

It should come as no surprise that she was chosen for a scene...No, wait...TWO SCENES?

That is correct! In what is seemingly becoming a trend with these top pledges, Jorm has successfully claimed 2 different scenes all to herself from separate backers!

Jorm has always been a beloved character, and we are certainly seeing that in action here! She did do decently well in the VBR popularity poll, so perhaps not a surprising result.

We hope you will look forward to what kind of silly mischief she might or might not get up to in her new scenes! Either way, Loki is sure to have his hands full.


My, my, whatever could be hiding under that mask? Certainly brings to mind a certain timid goddess of winter from a previous game, no?

Heimdall will be getting a single new scene, and although not fully confirmed yet, might have a darker tint to it, so fans of more chaotic scenes are sure to be satisfied!

To be subjected to such a fate after everything she has already gone through,  alas...Poor Rigr..I mean, Heimdall.

Either way, do look forward to what kind of scene awaits!


A somewhat unexpected choice, considering her reputation in the community and less than stellar showing in Japanese popularity polls, but hey, MILF lovers rejoice, right?!

If anything, she has received amazing support from the western audience, in particular the 2 who chose to give her a scene. 

Yes, you read that right, stop rubbing your eyes and/or cleaning your glasses to read again, for she will be getting not one, but TWO scenes from separate backers! 

As with Vidar and Jorm, she is joining the 2 scenes club...Truly astounding. But still, we're happy that she has such loyal fans willing to go to bat to give her a scene.

Do look forward to what kind of shape these scene take!

And with that, we have covered all 7 choices so far! There are still a few slots left up for grabs, and we have already received some inquiries regarding this tier, so definitely look forward to more possibly coming soon!






VenusBlood RAGNAROKのキックスターター・ストレッチゴールの集計については、キックスターター本開催期間終了時までとなります。











しかし、トライアル版に少ししか顔を出してないのに、こんなにも愛されるキャラになるとは、感激です! バッカー2人をここまで魅了するとは、これはもう月影の魔皇女ならぬ、月影の小悪魔かもしれませんね!







さて、どのようなシーンが来るのか、楽しみにしていてください! ロキ君は大変でしょうけどね。








さらに、2つのシーンを貰える事になっております! おぉ、ワンダフル! いったいどのようなシーンになるのでしょうか、楽しみにしていて下さい!


Stretch Goal #3 Achieved (175%) /ストレッチゴール#3達成(175%)
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 02, 2024 at 08:02:17 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

A little over 11 days in and we have Stretch Goal #3! Amazing, thank you all so very much!

Such lovely artwork courtesy of Nakai Show, too! Heimdallr certainly looks a lot better without the mask...And looks very familiar too, would you not agree?

Now then, to recap what comes with Stretch Goal 3...Well, it's the same as SG 1.

2 Guests units will be chosen to come over to VBRI from other VB games that will be decided by us over at Ninetail.

Always nice to have more guest units! 

Now...The next stretch goal up for grabs, SG 4...Now that one is the big one that everyone is waiting for, yes? Hopefully we'll see you on a future update where we can talk about it even more!

Onwards, towards the next SG!










