
VenusBlood RAGNAROK International

Created by Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

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Backerkit Smoke Test + VBRI Chinese Version! / バッカーキットスモークテスト + VBRI中国語版発売決定!
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 01:50:39 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

A few things we would like to cover today, so let us get started without any further delay!

First of all, the Backerkit smoke test...What exactly do we mean by that?

Well, how it works is that, before we can send the Backerkit survey out to every backer, we are required to do a 'Smoke Test' to confirm there are no problems with the content of the survey. As such, we will begin the test when this update goes live, and approximately 5% of backers from every pledge level will be sent a smoke test survey.

This survey is the same as the one that will be sent to everyone else, so in a way, you're basically just getting it early. If you do get it, we would certainly appreciate a speedy response!

The Smoke Test should commence early next week, around monday or tuesday ish.

The other surveys should be sent out afterwards once we confirm the Smoke Test uncovered no problems, so please keep an eye out for it!

Oh yes, and the pre-order store also goes live on the same date as the day proper surveys are sent to everyone!

VBRI Chinese Version 

Now then, an announcement some of you might have been waiting for.

VBRI Chinese Version has been confirmed! We will be working in tandem with BOKIBOKI GAMES to bring VBRI to the Chinese community as well!

However, due to the tough development and localisation schedule, the Chinese Version will only be released after the English Version has been released.

We thank you for your understanding, and we hope you look forward to it!

決定製作VenusBlood RAGNAROK International繁體中文版! 

由BOKIBOKI GAMES進行翻譯製作,与JAST聯合發行的VBRI繁體中文版正式開始推進! *有關簡體中文版的進度,請您關注我們後續的通知! 







バッカーキットのスモークテストとは何だろう? と、思うかもしれません。






*バッカーキットの案内メールは英語で送られるため、迷惑メール扱いとなって、ゴミ箱に送られている可能性もあります! 12日になってもメールが届いていないという場合は、どうか、そちらもご確認ください!



1) 情報確認


3) アッドオン購入





6) 支払い画面



VenusBlood RAGNAROK International中国語版決定!

 BOKIBOKI GAMESが翻訳を担当する、VBRIの中国語版の制作が決定しました!




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Legacy of the Overlord Character Selections Pt. 2 / 覇王の遺産キャラクター発表パート2
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 10:56:34 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

An exciting update today, as you can surely tell by the title!

Surely many of you have been wondering, who exactly have our Legacy backers decided on? Well, other than the 7 revealed last time in an earlier update.

Well, of the 3 that remain... Wait, 3? Oh no, no...

We actually mean, of the 6 that remain, all 6 have already decided on their chosen heroine!

The previous 7 have not changed their choices, and so with that said, let us get this show on the road!


Hm? What's that? Why are we re-introducing the Vidar who was already chosen last time, twice?

Well that's because...She was chosen again.

By 2 different backers...Again.

Just, wow. We at Ninetail are absolutely ecstatic at how well received Vidar was, and we hope you guys are as excited as we are for what is to come! At this point, she has FOUR new scenes in total planned for her by 4 different backers! 

Seems like it might be a decent mix of scene types as well. Nice to see that she is loved by both sides of the spectrum!


Yep, you see where this is going. Something of a pattern going on here.

Well, in this case, Heimdall has been chosen by another backer, bringing her extra scene total to 2. And this backer seems to have a scene in mind that's more or less the polar opposite of the previous backer in terms of theme.

Nothing wrong with that of course, always great to see more variety and characters getting love from different backers! And Heimdall in particular is popular and has many existing fans for...obvious reasons.


So, some folk were wondering why we never saw Ms. Number 1 in the JP Popularity Poll being chosen in the first legacy reveal update?

Well...Here you go. 

Perhaps an obvious choice, but Fana was chosen for a scene. She was extremely popular among the JP community from vanilla VBR, and it's gratifying to see her get a scene from a passionate fan of hers.


Perhaps a slightly more underrated choice, Sigyn the Succubus was chosen for a scene!

And this particular backer must love her a lot, because he also made sure to get extra scenario text for her scene as well! She truly is a Succubus, she has completely charmed this backer of hers...

MILF lovers are eating good this time around with Sigyn and the 2 Flora scenes, huh. Nice.


Okay now this, surely nobody saw coming.

Vali's best friend Sieg's trusty Adjutant, Regin, has gotten herself a scene!

A somewhat unexpected choice, some might say, but one that is nonetheless well deserved. A bit of a redemption scene, some might say, one that should contribute tremendously to her character arc... Especially in terms of further defining the complicated relationship she shares with Sief.

As a result, the type of scene she is getting is more or less the complete opposite to the one that exists in VBR originally. Variety is always nice, especially when it contributes to character and story! She definitely deserves this after what she goes through in the story...

So, there we go. 

13 whole extra scenes in total, plus any extra from the Asgardian Council. VBRI is certainly shaping up to have a truly insane amount of extra content!

We hope that you are all as excited for the new scenes as we are making them!

Once development has proceeded further, we might release updates teasing a bit more as to specific scene details, but for now, this is all we can reveal!

As for any members of the Asgardian Council, voting should begin soon, and we will post an update regarding that sometime soon, so do stay tuned!





YEAH! 覇王の遺産キャラクター発表第2弾!

さてさて、前回は7人分のキャラクターを発表しましたね! そして、今回はその残り3人...

3人...? えーと、いや、間違えました。残り...6人の発表です!

以前のアップデートにて紹介した7名の選択は変わっておりません! 一体どういうことなのか……さっそく発表に移りましょう!


おやっ? 前回、すでに紹介したヴィザールちゃんがどうしてまたここに現れたのでしょうか...

フフフ…、言わなくてもお分かりでしょう! 実はですね...また選ばれてしまったのですよ!



いやー、これは素晴らしい。ヴィザールちゃんがこんなにも愛されキャラになるなんて感動、感激です! そしてシーン4つの内訳は、純愛よりとダークよりで半々という風にバランスも結構うまくいっているようで、ロウカオスどちら側に物語を進めても、楽しんでプレイできそうですね!



なんと、ヘイムダルちゃんが再び別のバッカーに選ばれて、合計シーン数が2つになりました! そしてこのシーンは、片方のシーンとは真逆な雰囲気のシーンとも言えましょう。


まあ、ヘイムダルは人気キャラクターですもんね。その多くのファンはVBFをプレイしたことがあることに関係あるのでしょうか? ふむむ…。


遂にキッター! 原作のVBR人気投票のトップを取ったヒロイン、ファナちゃんが追加シーンに選ばれました!

まさかファナが選ばれていないなんて...そんなことないですよね? という問い合わせも幾つかありましたが、そんな筈はなかったです! こうして見事にお当番シーンを貰えました!









今回のシーンは原作VBRにあるシーンとは違って純愛な雰囲気のようです。そして、このシーンは彼女とジークの関係性の描写において、大きく貢献する内容となります。どのようなシーンなのでしょうか? 乞うご期待です!


それにしても、結果的に覇王の遺産プレッジの追加シーンが13もあるとは...。しかもこれは、評議会が決定するシーン3つを含んでおりません。素晴らしい! 楽しみで震えが止まりませんね!



Thank You All So Much For Another Successful Project! + Pre-Order Store & Backerkit Survey Info / KSプロジェクト再びの成功を最大の感謝を! + プレオーダーストア&バッカーキット案内のお知らせ
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 11:48:47 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Some lovely artwork courtesy of Shiizaki Hinaki!

A huge, huge thanks to each and every one of you who gave us your love and support!

The VenusBlood RAGNAROK International Project is a success! We've also managed to achieve quite a few stretch goals, 7 in fact, and we at Ninetail are extremely ecstatic!

In order to bring all of you loyal fans the best game possible, we at Ninetail will give it our all! A ton of new content we need to work on and put into the game, after all!

As for the Backerkit, surveys will be sent out to backers soon. We hope to have them ready within a couple of weeks, so we ask for your patience.

Time-limited add-ons will only be available for one month after the Kickstarter end date (Today), and assuming that pre-orders and the backerkit go live within 2 weeks, that leaves 2 weeks to order any time-limited add-ons. (Non time limited add-ons will be available for a few more months afterwards)

The pre-order store and add-on purchases should accept Paypal payments as well, but if anyone out there requires special assistance, feel free to contact us.

tl;dr: For backers, just wait for the survey.  For non-backers, use the pre-order store that will be released in future to buy your digital or physical goods. For those who want to discuss other methods, contact us.

Also, something else on our post-KS explanations checklist, what to do if your credit card pledge has been declined! Please follow the instructions on this link:


And well, that is all for this end of KS update! Finally, we'd just like to say this one more time...

Thank you all so very, very much! We couldn't have done this without all of your help! You're all the best fans in the world!


お陰様で、VenusBlood RAGNAROK Internationalプロジェクトの キックスターターは、無事に成功しました!


バッカー(支援者)の皆さんに満足頂けるローカライズ&リメイクゲームになるように、 誠心誠意、これからゲーム制作に努めますのでよろしくおねがいします。




KS終了2週間以内、バッカーキットでの購入ご案内を全バッカーに配信いたします。 バッカーキットは、アッドオン(単体グッズ)を個別に購入できる専用のWEBサイトになります。 こちらでグッズのお買い物を考えていらっしゃる方は少しだけお待ち下さい。 キックスターターでプレッジしたリワード以上に、支援額を投入されている方は、 こちらのWEBサイトで買い物をする際に、購入のための同額のポイントが付与されます。







プレオーダーストアは、バッカー(支援者)向けのストアではありませんので、 バッカーの方がプレッジしたものと同様のものをこちらで購入すると、別途二重購入になってしまいますのでご注意下さい。











[email protected]







それでは最後に、もう一度。 皆さんありがとうございました!  貴方達の協力に感謝致します!

5 More Legacy of the Overlord Slots Added / 覇王の遺産プレッジスロット5個増やしました
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 02:00:44 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Just a quick and simple update.

After receiving a DM from one of our legacy backers saying he was considering changing his pledge as he felt bad taking away a slot another potential backer might have wanted to grab, we have decided to add 5 more slots to the top tier pledge, Legacy of the Overlord. 

Only about 22 hours or so left in the VBRI project as of this update, but we hope that if anyone had planned on grabbing a spot as a Legacy backer but missed out on one of the 1- slots, that they would now take this chance as 5 more slots have opened up!

Ah, but for those not in the know, the Legacy of the Overlord pledge allows you to choose a heroine and make a new scene for her with us! Including a new outfit with standing portrait, commander unit for use in battle, and the CG that comes with the scene!

For example, if you wanted to see Hilde in a wedding dress, just back the tier and work with us on the scene, and get something like this, perhaps?

The possibilities are endless!*

*Scene ideas are subject to approval by Ninetail and may have to undergo changes to better fit the story/not detract from it. Please read the FAQ for more information!







VBRIプロジェクトの最後の22時間になりますが、覇王の遺産プレッジしたかったけれど、機会を逃してしまった! と感じている方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひこの機会をお見逃しなく、覇王の遺産へのプレッジをじっくり検討して下さい。




例えば、嫁ヒルデのシーンが欲しい、と。そうしましたら、我々ナインテイルと相談し、一緒に理想のシーンを作るのです! そして結果はこんな感じになったりして?



SG#7 Achieved ! / SG#7達成!
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 10:04:58 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

We're about to hit the final stretch with just a little over 24 hours left on the VBRI project, and we've hit 275%, meaning Stretch Goal #7!

Those hearts coming out of Sigyn in the artwork above by Toshizo represent the love we wish to show to each and every one of you lovely backers who helped us reach this milestone!

Thank you all so very much!

Now then, Stretch Goal #7.

2 Guests units will be chosen to come over to VBRI from other VB games that will be decided by us over at Ninetail.

Considering the amount of guests that will be added, I imagine you could make an entire army of just guest units and clear the game with them!

Ah, but the next Stretch Goal...The last one, Stretch Goal 8, awaits us on the horizon!

We hope that you will join us for this wild ride all the way until the very end!











