
VenusBlood RAGNAROK International

Created by Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

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Asgardian Council Scene Vote Results / アースガルズ評議会シーン結果発表
26 days ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 12:36:25 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

Now then, the update we are sure that many, many of you have been eagerly anticipating! Yes, the results of the Asgardian Council Scene Vote!

Now then, let us begin!

*For NSFW Sumaries of the Scenes, please check out this list.


"Wha...?! Big Brother, how did you get so big?!"

Winning Scene (24.5% of the vote)

B09 My Beloved Loli Hilde Can't Be This Cute!

Summary (SFW): 

Hilde becomes lolified through some means, and seeing this, Vali was reminded of old times where they were closer to him and would cutely call him onii-chan, but was surprised when she calls him that. 

The lolification also seems to have reversed her memories and she is under the impression that Vali had a growth spurt before her. And at this point in time, she respected and loved him a lot as her brother. 

Interested in the situation, he then decides to bring her to his bed and 'play' with his adorable little sister. 

The outfit requested was the same as in the Stretch Goal Artwork.


Runner-Up (23.9% of votes for her scenes)

B01 125% Brynhilde


3rd Place (13%)

B04 An Unexpected Visit


4th Place (10.3%)

B06 My (Loli) Valkyrie Idol Little Sister Can't Possibly Be This Cute


5th Place (8.7%)

B05 I Love You, Big Brother!

B08 Loli Goddess' Bath Service


That's right, spoiling the result right away with that face portrait!

That being said, can you believe the top 6 were all lolification scenes? It's almost like everyone wants a cute little sister loli version of Hilde! (Then again majority of the scenes were loli ones!)

Now then, Hilde's voting battleground was interesting. The runner-up took a very early lead and seemed insurmountable, but some votes that came in near the end built up B09 and propelled it to the top by just a very scant amount of votes. 

Truly a worthy 1v1 battle between 2 popular scenes!


"Ah...I'm so happy, I've always dreamed of this moment. Brother, are you watching over me...?"

Winning Scene (44% of the vote)

L11 Dreams Do Come True

Summary (SFW): 

Linde, who always dreamed of becoming Vali's bride...Her dream had finally come true. Now that peace had come to the land and Vali has become the new Overlord, Vali and Linde held a wedding ceremony together. 

Her dream had come true, and it was as if her brother was there, watching over her, happy for his sister and best friend. 


Runner-Up (15.2% of votes for her scenes)

L02 Sexy Dragon Maid


3rd Place (10.3%)

L07 Demons can be Idols too!


4th Place (8.7%)

L04 Eastern Little Sister Dragon


5th Place (6.5%)

L09 Linde's maid service

L10 Cat in Heat Reception


Ah, Linde. A loving wedding ceremony of her dreams with the man she loves...How wholesome.

Now, Linde's voting landscape...Was relatively peaceful, all things considered. L11 was propelled to the top very early on and nothing else came even close to dethroning it. 

The council saw a happy ending for her and their hearts united, going all in for it. Truly a remarkable event.



"Hehe, look! Nanna ish aww grown up now! How do I look? Sexy? Matuwe?"

Winning Scene (23.9% of the vote)

N03 The Birth of the True Chief God?

Summary (SFW): 

Despite deciding to become a proper subordinate goddess to Vali, she sees the other goddesses and loses confidence in herself. She wants to be more useful to Vali, and tries out the key that he always uses on himself. 

As such, she transforms into a transcendent form of the Chief God, with a glamorous body and becoming an adult...At least, in form.

Nanna is happy, but as she is still a child on the inside, and she struts about as innocently as usual. However, seeing such a defenseless woman who is unaware of the effect she has on others, she causes people around her to be troubled by this new form.


Runner-Up (22.3% of votes for her scenes)

N01 Like Spiritual Mother, Like Spiritual Daughter


3rd Place (19.6%)

N04 Becoming a Wife, Becoming a Mother.


4th Place (7.1%)

N08 Bow Before the Might of the Ultimate Idol Nanna!


5th Place (6.5%)

N02 Nana's Soapland Funland

N07 A Secret Private Lesson


Ooh, 'True' Nanna, just like her predecessor Odin. Considering we never really got a proper adult form for her in the base game, it's interesting to see it come true here.

Nanna's voting landscape, now this...This was a true battlefield. Chaos all over. 

N01 took an early lead but was heavily contested by both N03 and N04. For a short time N04 took the top spot, but N01 promptly stole it back, before N03 barrelled in near the end after staying in a steady 3rd place, proceeding to take the top spot.

From what we can tell, N01 was heavily supported by the western voters while N04 had a strong domestic backing. Meanwhile, N03 had steady support from both sides, so perhaps it was natural that it would win out over the one-sided votes of the other 2.

Certainly a voting battleground to remember!


"Ah, Vali, my lord, my love. I cannot thank you enough for giving me a new reason to live...!"

Winning Scene (33.3% of the vote)

S02 The Succubus' Gratitude

Summary (SFW): 

The night after Sigyn said her goodbyes to her old home, a mysterious girl enters Vali's room. Using a secret succubus technique, she turned into a younger form, and is wearing a dress from her younger days. 

She wants to thank him for giving her life new meaning, and by thanks she means what succubi do best.


Runner-Up (32.8% of votes for her scenes)

S01 Milking The Cow


3rd Place (13.3%)

S05 Loli Sigyn Disciplining


4th Place (8.9%)

S07 Overlord of Light


5th Place (6.1%)

S03 A Longshot!? The Dawn of the Super Sexy Succubus Idol!


Interesting that the Succubus would get a loving scene, eh? Oh and would you look at that, it was obviously a lolification scene! Perhaps it winning was only natural.

A somewhat similar voting pattern to Brunhilde, S01 started off strong with a huge backing, but then more and more votes went into S02 which eventually propelled it just barely into 1st place.

The difference in votes between 1st and 2nd were oh so very, very small indeed. Truly a hard fought win for S02. 


"Ah...Vali, I'm so glad. I thought I had lost you forever. Please, never leave my side again..."

Winning Scene (46.1% of the vote)

V06 Another Ending

Summary (SFW): 


This is the story of an alternate ending to the climactic battle between Vali and the Overlord Loki. Unable to keep control of his newfound power, Vali dies in the battle against Loki, and his beloved partner, Vidar, has disappeared. 

Some speculate that she followed Vali into the afterlife, while some believe she is hiding somewhere. And thus, the world enters a new era of peace, ruled over by the Overlord Loki once more. 

One day, Loki received a report that his daughter Vidar was found alive. Loki rushed to the scene to verify the report, but finds that Vidar, having lost the love of her life Vali, has gone completely insane, and that she is forced to do unsavoury things as reparations for the many atrocities that she committed by Vali's side. 

Despite the harsh treatment she is subjected to, she seems...Happy. In her insanity, she has come to see her tormentors as her beloved Vali, and happily accepts all of their orders as she would her beloved Vali. 

Loki contemplates ending her miserable existence, as such a fate does not befit her...But he is unwilling to let his daughter die a second time, and despite it being all in her head, she is at least able to be with her beloved Vali once more. And so, Loki decides to let her be happy, whatever form it may take, and leaves her to her new fate.



Runner-Up (20.6% of votes for her scenes)

V07 The Demon Princess' Amazing Lesson


3rd Place (11.1%)

V04 The Blood of the Chief God Succumbs to the Overlord


4th Place (8.9%)

V02 Demon Princess' One Day Reverse-Bunny Work Experience

V05 A Cursed Tool, Now just a Doll


Ah...A somewhat unfortunate end for Vidar, the new girl. Perhaps a fitting end after all the suffering they will bring in the Chaos route.

Surely the world will also benefit from this ending, with a true Overlord back to steer things in the right direction. So...Rather than calling it a bad end, perhaps it is best called...Another Ending. 

Interestingly, V01 has a strong following early on, but it eventually got buried by an avalanche of votes for V06 as well as the runner-ups. As such, V06 being the winner was decided somewhat early on.

Whether people just wanted to watch Vidar suffer after the success she saw in the campaign, or perhaps they simply wanted a good ending for the old protagonist turned deuteragonist... We may never know.

Kobold Fencer

"Fufu, I still remember the day I met Vali. Yes, it was a day like any other..."

Winning Scene (38% of the vote)

K06 Exciting First Time!

Summary (SFW): 

A beastwoman who was born into a noble family, her one weakness is how easily she falls in love. Despite this, she has never given her body over to any male she has fancies, but this wasn't the case when Vali, a really bad boy, managed to cajole her into getting with him.


Runner-Up (26.1% of votes for her scenes)

K05 The Worries of the Fluffy Bodyguard


3rd Place (14.1%)

K03 For the Price of Bread? A Beastgirl Sold for Cheap


4th Place (10.9%)

K01 Strip Fencing


5th Place (6.5%)

K02 Fencer in Heat


Always fun to see a scene that delves deeper into the story of how the bodyguard came to work for Vali! And it helps build some character for a character that didn't factor into the story terribly much to begin with.

Similarly to Hilde and Sigyn, this was a decidedly heated 1v1 battle between the winner and runner-up. It was a deadlock until the very end where, on the last day, a huge vote dump came in for K06 which propelled it to the top rather handily.


"Please, sit still. I cannot administer healing unless you cooperate."

Winning Scene (45.7% of the vote)

E02 Climax Treatment

Summary (SFW): 

Empusa tries to dissect Vali in order to perform emergency treatment on him, but Vali does not like such a 'direct' approach and casts hypnosis on her, saying that bodily contact would be the most efficient treatment method, and this succeeds. And so, enjoying himself, has her 'treat' him. 

Empusa endures all of this in order to 'treat' Vali, and this session continues for quite some time.


Runner-Up (43.5% of votes for her scenes)

E04 The Curiosity of the Female Doctor


3rd Place (8.7%)

E03 Nurse, I'm feeling stiff!


4th Place (2.2%)

E01 Vali's Army's Nurse


Ah yes, hyptonic suggestion to turn a healing session into a...'healing' session.

Still, if Vali is so injured that he actually needs emergency treatment involving cutting him up...Won't he just die or go into a coma from messing around and not allowing her to properly treat him?

Hmm...Perhaps thinking about this scene too deeply isn't recommended. Oh well.

There seems to be a lot of this 1v1 pattern in this round of voting, eh? Once again it was a dead heat between E02 and E04 with E02 narrowly squeaking out the victory at the very last second.

Now then, that's all for this update, and we hope that you all enjoyed the wild ride that was the Asgardian Council Vote! Do look forward to seeing these scenes in game!








「ええ!? お兄ちゃん、どうしてそんなに大きくなったの?」

【1位のシーン】(得票率 24.5%)

B09 俺のヒルデちゃんがこんなにかわいいわけがない!








【2位のシーン】(得票率23.9 %)

B01 ブリュンヒルデの小さな逆襲


【3位のシーン】(得票率 13%)

B04 来訪する無意識


【4位のシーン】(得票率 10.3%)

B06 俺のワルキューレアイドル妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない


【同率5位のシーン】(それぞれ得票率 8.7%)

B05 だいすき!あにうえ!

B08 ロリ化女神のお風呂ご奉仕



しかし、まさかトップ6は全部ロリ化のネタとは……! 皆さんは可愛い妹版、いわゆるロリバージョンのヒルデが見たかったんだね!(シーン案の90%ぐらいはロリネタだったけどね)

さて、ヒルデの投票は最後までエキサイティングでした。最初は2位のシーンが強く出て、もう、一気にこのまま駆け抜けるか!? という風に1位の座を守り続けましたが、最後の方で沢山の票がB09に集中投下されて、僅差で1位を奪取!




【1位のシーン】(得票率 44%)

L11  夢は叶うものだ






【2位のシーン】(得票率 15.2%)

L02 麗しのドラゴンメイド


【3位のシーン】(得票率 10.3%)

L07 悪魔もアイドルになれる!


【4位のシーン】(得票率8.7 %)

L04 和装竜妹


【同率5位のシーン】(それぞれ得票率 6.5%)

L09 ドラゴンメイド リンデちゃん

L10 メス猫リンデの披露宴




流石評議会、リンデちゃんの願いを叶えるために、力を合わせてL11を勝利に導いたのですね! なんと心温まるイベントでしょうか。


「ふっふーん、見てみて!ナンナはね、大人になったの! セクシーでしょ? グラマラスでしょ?」

【1位のシーン】(得票率 23.9%)

N03 真の主神爆誕?





【2位のシーン】(得票率 22.3%)

N01  血は繋がらなくとも、母のように


【3位のシーン】(得票率 19.6%)

N04 妻となって、母となって


【4位のシーン】(得票率 7.1%)

N08 究極アイドルナンナの威厳にひれ伏せ!


【同率5位のシーン】(それぞれ得票率 6.5%)

N02 ナンナのソープランド ファンランド

N07 秘密のプライベートレッスン


ほう、ここで「真」おでんならぬ、「真」ナンナのお出ましとは。VBR原作では見れなかった姿を、インターナショナル化によって見れるようになるとは! 感激です。








【1位のシーン】(得票率33.3 %)

S02 淫魔のお礼




【2位のシーン】(得票率 32.8%)

S01 牛の乳搾り


【3位のシーン】(得票率 13.3%)

S05 ロリシギュン分からせ勝負


【4位のシーン】(得票率 8.9%)

S07 光覇王物語


【5位のシーン】(得票率 6.1%)

S03 ロングショット!?超セクシーなサキュバスアイドルの夜明け!







【1位のシーン】(得票率 46.1%)

V06 もう一つの結末









【2位のシーン】(得票率 20.6%)

V07 魔皇女のすごい レッスン


【3位のシーン】(得票率11.1 %)

V04 覇王に屈した主神の血族


【同率4位のシーン】(それぞれ得票率 8.9%)

V02 魔皇女様の一日逆バニー職業体験

V05 呪具は彼女を愛玩人形へと変える









「ヴァ―リ様と初めて出会った時? もちろん、ミーはばっちり覚えてますワ!そう、あれは......」

【1位のシーン】(得票率 38%)

K06 初めてはエキサイティン!





【2位のシーン】(得票率 26.1%)

K05 モフモフ近衛兵の悩み


【3位のシーン】(得票率 14.1%)

K03 パンと同じ値段? 獣人娘大安売り


【4位のシーン】(得票率10.9 %)

K01  脱衣フェンシング


【5位のシーン】(得票率 6.5%)

K02 フェンサーの発情期







E02 クライマックス治療





E04 女医の好奇心



E03 先生、ここがちょっと固いんです!



E01  ヴァーリ軍の医療者


よくある催眠ネタですね! たとえありふれていても、基本こそベター、ナイスアイデアは霞みません!


治療受けないと死んでしまいますよ、ヴァ―リ君!! あるいは昏睡とか...


しかし、1対1のパターンは多いですね? 今回の評議会。 E02とE04が最後までデッドヒートで、終わる寸前にE02に少数の票が入ったことで、ぎりぎり1位を勝ち取ったのです。


さて、今回のアップデートはここまでとなります。今回の評議会の結果はいかがでしたでしょうか? それでは、ゲーム内に組み込まれるのを楽しみにしていてくださいね!

Asgardian Council Voting List / アースガルズ評議会シーン案リストの公開
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 11:34:57 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Just one more day before the Asgardian Council Scene Vote begins, and just like the Round Table Vote from HI or Energeian Council from GI, we will be releasing a scene list site for everyone to view!

Even for non-voters, do take a look at what zany and awesome ideas our voters have come up with!

And, well, in the end, only one scene will win per character! I wonder which scenes those will be?

*(NSFW WARNING) Due to the nature of these scenes, the suggestions are NSFW by default and should only be viewed by those who are 18 years or older of age.

**Some, especially Vidar's scene suggestions, contain Chaos Route spoilers. Please be careful if you wish to avoid spoilers.

Click here to view the scene list website

*Of course, only backers of the Asgardian Council and Legacy Backers may cast votes

**The Scenes were reviewed and may have undergone some changes before being put on the list

We will leave it on the list for people to read and enjoy, at the very least. Even if you try to vote for it, your vote will simply be invalidated. Thank you for your understanding regarding this situation.

If you are a voter, please read these rules very carefully:

All scenes are assigned a 'Scene Code', for example, V1 or B3 or S2 etc. 

Please email us with the scene code as well as how many of your votes you wish to put into that specific scene idea.

Example: 4 Votes for V1 & 4 Votes for S4

*In the event that the winning scene proves too difficult to to fit into the game as is, be it storywise or theme wise, there is a chance that small changes will have to made to allow it to be inserted properly. We thank you for your understanding regarding this matter.

As a reminder:

Citizen = 4 votes
Knight = 8 votes
Noble = 12 votes
Chairman = 16 votes
Legacy = 4 votes

We hope you all look forward to the results!










**提案は一部 編集・監修を経て タイトルや文章が変更されている場合があります



各シーンには「シーンコード」というコードを持っています。(例:V1, L3, S5)


例えば:V1に4票、L2に4票 など



市民 = 4 票
騎士 = 8 票
貴族 = 12 票
議長 = 16 票
覇王の遺産 = 4 票(特別参加)



Asgardian Council Character Vote Results! / アースガルズ評議会キャラクター投票結果発表!
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 12:15:40 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Now then, it's the moment many have been waiting for, the Asgardian Council's Character Vote Results! And boy, we guarantee that you will not be able to predict the results of this vote!

The % calculations are based on total votes for heroines for the main heroine bracket, and total votes for bodyguards for the bodyguards bracket.

As a reminder, we have 3 main heroine slots available, and 2 Bodyguard slots available, so with that in mind...

Main Heroine Bracket

1st Place

Brunhilde (21.2% of total votes)

In first place, we have Brunhilde! 

Wow, could this be the fabled Main Heroine power? People wanted to give the original Main Heroine some love after her position was all but usurped by the newcomer...

Either that or it was the effect of a certain Stretch Goal Image where she was noticeably...smaller.

Well, no matter, a well deserved win for our (Vali's) beloved sister!

2nd Place

Linde (14.3% of total votes)

In second place, we have a non-goddess candidate, Linde!

She was trailing behind at 4th place for most of the voting period, but some last minute votes just barely propelled her up to 2nd place! 

Even the non-goddess heroines deserve some love, and our beloved Linde very much deserves this place in the spotlight as well!

Viva-la dragon girls!

3rd Place

Nanna (13.7% of the total votes)

The successor to Odin in RAGNAROK, the Chief God of a New Generation, Nanna! 

She, too, was lagging behind somewhere around 4th or 6th place until some backers dumped in votes near the end, just barely bringing her up to 3rd place!

It was a close one, but I guess the voters could not resist the cute and funny (heh) Nanna and decided to band together to give her a scene!

Big Victory for Nanna! Hurray!

Sigyn (13.7% of the total votes)

Perhaps an unexpected choice, but after getting a scene from a Legacy of the Overlord backer, Sigyn is back with a vengeance, attempting to grab yet another scene by tying for 3rd place!

Well, that being said, her spot here is more or less attributed to the love of a single powerful council member, and one could say it definitely paid off with her snagging 3rd place.

Truly, one cannot underestimate these succubi, to think she'd already seduced this backer into giving her all his love and votes...

Vidar (13.7% of the total votes)

Well, well, well...Here we go again, one might say?

Because of course, Vidar, the rising star, the almighty newcomer to VBRI, Ms. "May as well be the Main Heroine at this point", has once again clawed her way into the spotlight, tying for 3rd place and vying for another scene to add to the long list of scenes that already await her from other backers!

Truly, her popularity knows no bounds. She already got the record of 'most new scenes attributed to a single heroine' which was once held by Milia from G before this, and now, she is set to get another. 

Like mother like daughter, I suppose. The Chief God towers above all, and her daughter has certainly dominated in gathering loyal followers who would give her scenes and votes.


A THREE-WAY TIE for 3rd place? Oh dear, whatever shall we do?

Eh, well, what can you do, I suppose. It'd be a true shame for all 3 to have gotten enough support to qualify for one of the slots, only for 2 to have to be shoved off.



Ah, but that's not all...

6th Place

Ullr (13.2% of the total votes)

A decent showing by the beloved idol, Ullr, but alas, she fell short of 3rd place by just a paltry single vote...!

But do not despair, Ullr fans, for your beloved idol has been given a second chance!

That is correct, as a super duper super super super special service to all of our beloved fans for all of your love and support...

Ullr, who fell short of getting a scene by only a single vote, WILL ALSO GET A NEW SCENE!

However, as Ullr will be getting a new scene as a special case this time around, the content of her scene will be decided by Ninetail and she will not be part of the scene vote.

...Which brings the total up to 6 whole new scenes for the Main Heroine category, and this also means that every main goddess in RAGNAROK will get a new scene! How fitting.

However, this time is a rather special case, and this is more of an exception that we are making to make things more exciting for our fans who have supported us all this time.

In future Kickstarters, we will set proper rules on how to handle things when heroines end up tying for a scene spot... 

But that has nothing to do with the current vote.

More scenes are always welcome, would you not agree?! 

Oh and for those who are curious, here are the placements for 7th and below:

Fana (7.4%)

Jorm (1.7%)

Heimdall (0.5%)

Bodyguards Category

The Bodyguards did not see that much of a fierce voting battlefield, a few backers spared some votes for them and pushed 1st place way over the others.

1st Place

Kobold Fencer (71.4% of total votes)

The fluffy and cute kobold fencer won 1st place with an overwhelming 70% of the total votes that went towards bodyguards!

She is kind of the face of the bodyguards, in some way, so perhaps it was a natural outcome.

And hey, cute is justice, no? 

2nd Place

Empusa (14.2% of total votes)

That bloody white coat combined with those massive...weapons she carries around with her makes for quite the combination.

But hey, despite how she looks, she is a very dedicated healer who just wants to see you well...even if she has to resort to extreme measures.

She won 2nd by a very small margin, but again there weren't many votes spared to the bodyguards so maybe that isn't saying much.

And those are the 2 bodyguards getting a new scene.

3rd and 4th place are as follows:

Kaathe Madmoiselle (7% of total votes)

Dhampir (7% of total votes)

Certainly an exciting update packed with a ton of information, no?

We hope that you are all satisfied with the result, because we certainly are! The amount of scenes we had planned for Main Heroines has essentially...doubled, but hey, it'll all be worth it to make an even better game for everyone!

The Scene Suggestions Voting Phase will begin soon, so any Asgardian Council Members, best start thinking about what kind of scene you'd like to see these characters in!









ブリュンヒルデ (合計票数の21.2%)


これって、噂のメインヒロインパワーってやつなのか?! 大型ルーキーにスポットライトが奪われていた形のメインヒロインがここで一発逆転をかました、と!




リンデ (合計票数の14.3%)








実はこの娘は、投票序盤は5位あたりにいましたが、最後に一気にでっかいウェーブが来て、その結果3位を獲得しました! 鳴かぬなら鳴くまで待とうホトトギス、というやつですね!



シギュン (合計票数の13.7%)





ヴィザール (合計票数の13.7%)


むむ! また会いましたね!
大型ルーキー、新入りながらメインヒロインの座を狙う、オーディンの実子ヴィザールが再び現れました! すでに遺産バッカーから大量のシーンを獲得しているというのに、ここでまた大きく名乗りを上げましたね!


母似の娘ですこと。主神はみんなの上に立つ者、娘であるヴィザールがここまでファンが多く、絶大の人気を誇ることになるなんて、もはや主神オーディン v2 でいいのでは?



もう、仕方ないですねぇ! みなさんが頑張って投票して、3位まで上り詰めたのに、2人を蹴り落とさなければならないなんて、残酷すぎる!


なんと、3位を勝ち取った同率3人全員に、追加衣装&シーンを付与します! すっげぇ太っ腹! オラワクワクしてきたぞ!

おや? しかし、うれしいニュースはそこで止まらず...


ウルル (合計票数の13.2%)


惜しい...とても惜しい! まさかの1票差。




これでなんと、メインヒロイン枠のシーンが3から6になりました! そして結果的に、女神勢が全員シーンをもらうことになりました!






7位 ファナ (7.4%)

8位 ヨルム (1.7%)

9位 ヘイムダル (0.5%)




コボルドフェンサー (合計票数 71.4%)

モフモフでかわいいコボルドフェンサーちゃんが見事に1位を勝ち取りました! そしてそれも近衛の合計票数の70%以上の票数で!


可愛いのが正義! 勝って当然です!


エンプーサ (合計票数 14.2%)


しかしまあ、血まみれでちょっと物騒な見た目かもしれませんが、彼女は貴方に献身的にお世話をしてくれますよ? 多分。




カアスマドモアゼル (7%)

ダンピール (7%)


まさかこのような結果になるとは...予想外ではありますが、嬉しい結果は間違いないですね! メインヒロイン枠の3シーンがまさかの2倍の6シーンになったとは、豪華っすなぁ!


Information about Backerkit early locked orders + Limited Goods Information / 早めのバッカーキット請求&ロックについて + 限定グッズの情報
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 02:56:58 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone!

Some important information about Backerkit today, so please do give this a careful read!

Some of you might have noticed that your orders were charged early and locked.

The reason for this is that, the yen seems to be recovering somewhat, and we wanted to charge your cards while the yen was relatively weaker to lessen the financial burden on our backers.

However, due to some systematic restrictions on Backerkit's end, we are unable to unlock orders after charging credit cards, and any further add-on changes require contacting support or us directly.

Due to limited goods being, well, limited in stock, we realise that contacting support would be tedious and unfair as things might sell out in the meantime.

Therefore, for anyone interested in purchasing Limited Goods as add-ons but have had their backerkit order locked, please make use of the pre-order store.

After purchasing the limited goods items you like in the pre-order store, please DM or email us your Backerkit account email so we can waive your second shipping payment/merge your orders.

Thank you, and we hope that you all are able to snag the add-ons that you all want! Don't forget that the limited goods will be put on the store tomorrow!





しかし、オーダーがロックされてしまった場合、明日にアッドオンとプレオーダーストアに追加される数量限定のグッズを追加注文できませんよね? バッカーキットサポート、あるいはナインテイルのサポートデスクに連絡しないと、追加注文処理が入れてもらえないという手間が発生しております。






Stretch Goal #8 + Time Limited Rewards Sales Period + Asgardian Council Voting Period + Limited Goods Announcement /ストレッチゴール#8+ 期間限定アッドオン受付期間 + アスガールズ評議会投票期間 + 少数限定グッズ再販のお知らせ
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 12:26:22 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Quite a few things to get through today indeed, so let us get started right away!

Stretch Goal #8 Achieved!

Good day, folks!

With the extra time we had allotted post Kickstarter for extra, we have hit the final Stretch Goal, SG 8!

Simply amazing. 300%...

We definitely could not have gotten this far without the love and support of each and every one of you lovely folk who backed this project!

Thank you all so very, very much!

Now, as to the content of the Final Stretch Goal...

New Personal Episode for a Main Heroine (With a new outfit, standing portrait & commander unit)

Like with Stretch Goal 4, we will be getting a new personal episode for a Heroine including the new outfit, portrait and unit!

And once again, who is chosen as well as the content of the scene will be decided by the Asgardian Council.

With this, we have gotten all the Stretch Goals that give us new scenes...Or, well, literally every Stretch Goal that exists for this project!

Once again, thank you all so very much, and we hope you will continue to tune back for future updates where we are sure to have interesting information to share as development progresses!

Asgardian Council Voting Period

Now that we have the last stretch goal in the bag, everyone should know the total number of characters who will be able to get scenes, we are sure many want to know when the voting period will begin!

Well the schedule will be as follows:

16th July (12am JST): Character Voting Period Begins. Council members send in their votes via Email or DM.

22nd July (1159 pm JST): Character Voting Period Ends.

25th July : Character Voting Results Announced via KS Update.

26th July (12am JST): Scene Suggestions Period Begins. Council members send in their scene suggestions for the chosen heroines via Email or DM.

1st August (1159 pm JST): Scene Suggestions Period Ends.

7th August: Scene Suggestions list will be made public.

8th August (12am JST): Scene Suggestion Final Voting Period Begins.

14th August (1159 pm JST): Scene Suggestions Voting Period Ends.

21st August: Final Results announced via KS Update.

For anyone participating in the council, might want to start giving some thought as to who you want to vote for! Your votes are what decides the winners for these new scenes!

Time-Limited Rewards Sales Period

Now then, time-limited goods, things that involve making any sort of content with us, essentially.

We said it would last 1 month past the end of the Kickstarter Project, but a slight delay in sending out the surveys required us to make changes to the schedule.

The new sales period for Time-Limited Goods will be as follows:

Start Date:

13th July (12pm JST): Planned date for all surveys and the pre-order store to go live. (Smoke Tests have already been sent out)


End Date:

27th July (1159 pm JST): Planned end-date for Time-limited Rewards

If you were interested in rewards such as Rebirth, Flower of the Battlefield, or the Tentacle Gate (Memories of Yggdrasil) for backers that qualify, this is your last chance to pick them up! The Shikishi related rewards are also part of this time-limited bracket, so please make a choice you will not regret!

Limited Goods Announcement

Not time-limited, but limited stock goods, basically.

We have received some requests for the re-sale of some goods from the previous Kickstarter, and we found surplus stock for some items, and we have decided to sell them on the Backerkit and Pre-order store, while stocks last!

These items will be added to the Backerkit Add-on store and pre-order store on the 20th of July at 12pm JST.

List of available limited items:

VBGI Physical Game

VBGI Physical Soundtrack

VBGI Music Box

VBB Sheila Dakimakura

VBB Chibi Yilan Dakimakura (Normal Ver)

Only while stocks last, so be sure to get in early if you wanted to purchase any of these!

Add-ons can be added via the purchase add-on function on your Backerkit account for VBRI, or can be purchased via the pre-order store!


















2024/7/16(火)00:00 評議会ヒロイン投票 開始 

2024/7/22(月)23:59 評議会ヒロイン投票 受付締め切り


2024/7/26(金)00:00 当選されたヒロインのシチュエーション案 受付開始

2024/8/1(木)23:59 各ヒロインのシチュエーション案 受付締め切り

2024/8/7(水)各ヒロインのシチュエーション案リスト 公開予定 

2024/8/8(木)00:00 シチュエーション最終投票 開始 

2024/8/14(水)23:59 投票受付締め切り

2024/8/21(水)最終結果発表 予定


さぁ、評議会に参加している皆様、どの子に票を入れるか、慎重に考えて下さい! なにしろ、どのヒロインが追加シーンを貰えるのを決めるのは、貴方の選択次第なのですから!





2024/7/13(土)12:00 バッカーキット&プレーオーダーストア 開始 (期間限定リワードはこの時点で発売開始となります)

2024/7/27(土)23:59 期間限定アッドオン受付終了






VBGI 物理パッケージ版

VBGI オリジナルサウンドトラックCD

VBGI オルゴール

VBB シーラ抱き枕カバー

VBB ちびユラン(通常版)抱き枕カバー

これらのグッズは、7月20日の12:00 (JST)にグッズストア(バッカーキット&プレーオーダー)に追加されます。


